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viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Lectura de práctica: Miracle transplant


Kory Boglarski was brought back from the dead 13 years ago. The heart of a young woman saved him.Today, he'll put his transplanted ticker to the test as he pounds the pavement in the New York City Marathon.
"Not a day passes, especially when I'm running, when I feel my heart beat, that I'm not thankful for the donor family and the donor," he said.
"I'm very proud of him," said the surgeon, Dr. Mehmet Oz, himself a marathoner who hopes to cheer on Boglarski today.
The two met in 1995, long before Oz was dubbed "America's doctor" by Oprah Winfrey. Boglarski was a 16-year-old snowboarding junkie from Connecticut who came down with a cold that wouldn't go away.
"Within like a week of just feeling tired, I was in the ICU and put on the transplant list," said Boglarski, who is now 30 and a special-education teacher near Boston.
Boglarski had cardiomyopathy - in which the heart muscle is too weak to pump normally - and was fading fast at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia in Manhattan. Oz, director of the Cardiovascular Institute at the hospital, wanted to give Boglarski an implantable heart pump known as a “left ventricular assist device”, or LVAD. But it had never been used in a patient so young, and the teen was so slender that Oz wasn't sure it would even fit into his abdomen. There was little choice.
"He was dead," Oz said. "There's no debate about it. He would have died the evening we put this device in."
After the LVAD was installed, Boglarski's heart was not responding. The medical team stood around his bed trying every drug and technique. "Almost because it was therapeutic to me, I started using his foot as a worry ball," Oz said. To everyone's surprise, Boglarski's heart started responding. Oz said he later learned that the foot rub had stimulated the body's lymphatic system. Boglarski recovered and was able to go home. Seven months later, the family got a call that a heart was available.
Boglarski knows only that his heart came from a young woman. He said that after watching the Boston Marathon, he wanted to run one and chose New York's because his life was saved here. He'll be wearing a T-shirt that says "Heart Transplant Survivor" and No. 282910. He has raised more than $2,000 for the American Heart Association.

Answer the questions in Spanish.
What happened to Kory Boglarschi thirteen years ago?

How will he test his transplanted heart?

How old is he and what does he do?

What is the LAVD?

How did his heart start responding after the LVAD device was installed?

Why did he run in New York marathon?

What is the aim of the marathon?

Read the text again.
Find at least two examples in the “passive voice”: Why is it used? Which tense can you identify? Who does the action?
1st example:

2nd example

Provide examples with the following tenses and explain their uses.
Example in english
Use in spanish

Simple past

Past continuous

Past perfect

Simple present

Present perfect

Why are “WOULD” and “BE ABLE” used?

Are there examples of “relative clauses”? Identify the “relative pronouns”.

Why is “later” used in the text?

Translate the following sentences.
Oz said he later learned that the foot rub had stimulated the body's lymphatic system.

Boglarski knows only that his heart came from a young woman.

He said that after watching the Boston Marathon, he wanted to run one and chose New York's because his life was saved here.

Find phrasal verbs with the following verbs. What are their meanings in context?

1 comentario:

  1. <hola profe soy alumno de ingles 2 de la Unla, quería saber si no tiene los textos del cuadernillo para mandar por mail. Muchas gracias.


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